I'm @ PortalUnlimited

I'm @ PortalUnlimited because it's a place! Two years from the conception of www.portalunlimited.com and now there's an address: 10 Plummer Ave., Bargersville, IN 46106. (My business land line is not hooked up yet.) My emotions are mixed as you can imagine. While most of my peers are thinking about retiring, I'm kicking the risk factor into high gear! (My husband is taking the risk with me and has been my biggest cheerleader. Not being an artist type, this is quite a step for him.) I hope I can make some sense of it all as I answer some questions below.

So what does PortalUnlimited look like now? I originally just wanted my studio out of my house. It only makes sense to add my fine art and print business. It's a 1250 square foot space and the price is right.

Why Bargersville? Have you been there lately? There is a lot of great things happening there. It's well worth the visit. 

Will the online store still be a presence? YES!

Will art classes be offered? I'm starting out with 2, Drawing and Watercolor. More to come about that on my website...

Will you have other's works in the gallery?  I do not want to be an artist rep. but I have hand picked some 3-D and fiber artists that I have always admired. It's quite an honor for me to sell their wares. You will see that piece changing as we move forward, I'm sure. The only 2-D work that I will be hanging besides mine is the work of my students. We will have a few shows to showcase their work through out the year.

Through all of this change, I'm extremely thankful for all my previous customers! You've made this possible!

You be hearing more specifics thoughout the month. I am teaming up with other businesses in the Bargersville community for some art events in months to come. Our Grand Opening is set for Saturday, June 3!!!! Stay tuned...